Friday, September 17, 2010

Questions Answered #1

I so enjoyed reading y'alls questions yesterday.  I thought I would start out and answer a few here and there.

1.) Scientific Housewife asked, "What is your favorite lipstick?"

Well I am actually not a lipstick girl.  I've tried it a few times, but just never got into the habit of putting it on.  I am a chapstick girl though.  My go to is Burt's Bees Replenishing Lip Balm with Pomegranate Oil
I like this because it 1 - does the job and 2 - it actually has a little color in it.  It's my favorite chapstick by far.  Publix has been running a sale on it for $1 off :) 

If I want a little more color I use Elf Super Glossy Lip Shine SPF in Malt Shake.

I like anything Nuetrogena as well!

2.) Mommy 2 Mya asked, "Any tips or tricks for new bloggers?"

Well, I have a few tips on blogging, but am by far no professional. 

* Blog about what you love and are passionate about.  If you try to alter your blog to what you think your readers want, then you won't enjoy blogging and it won't come naturally. 
* Make friends with other bloggers.  It's amazing the community that you can build!
* Blog several times a week.  You don't have to blog everyday, but a few times a week is perfect.  Enough to keep people wanting more!
* If you are reading a blog and like something...make a comment!  It will brighten someones day!  Make your comments genuine.
* DON'T ask people to check out your blog.  It's usually pretty obvious that they will click on your blog if you comment. 
* When you blog, make it a mix of personal and other things.  It makes people feel they know you and can relate.  I have been so encouraged when I opened up and shared about struggles in life.  Just don't let it all hang out though ;)  Make sure the personal is about you...and NOT someone else!  It could hurt someone's feelings.

I hope those tips are helpful!  If you would like more in depth details you can email me :)

3.) Emily from Imperfect asked, "I am so impressed with your faith and positivity regarding your quest for a baby. I know personally, and through blogs, so many people who struggle with this - how do you do remain focused on the positive?"

* Well, Emily, it is not always easy to stay positive.  I have bad days where I feel like there is no hope and that the Lord has forgotten Matt and me.  Even though, I KNOW this isn't true, it still feels like it when we are getting no where.  I want so badly to be a mom and share in the joys and struggles that come with it.  In order to deal with it, I pray with every bone in my body ( literally feeling the pain and ache in my heart ) that the Lord would help me deal with this.  That He would help me to remember that HE died on the cross for me and LOVES ME more than anyone in the world and that HE knows what's best for me.  I struggle to remember these things, but daily try to come back to truth.  Matt reminds me all the time that truth is what sets us free.  I can't tell you how good it feels to give this struggle over to the Lord.  Once I remember that I have nothing to worry about and put my trust back in the Lord I feel so much better.  The weight of the world is off my shoulders.  No matter what I do, I can't change anything, because the Lord knows what he wants for Matt and I.  If Matt and I are supposed to be parents, HE already has a baby already picked out for us and we will see him or her one day, whether that is through adoption or naturally. 

Thanks for asking that question, Emily.  It really helped me think through things, yet again ;)  Lately, Matt and I have been praying for the Lord to show us direction.  Yesterday he gave us a little direction through my Dad!  It was really cool.  We'll keep praying for more direction...oh and money!  Adoption is expensive!!!

4.) Julianne from From the Beginning asked, "What is your DREAM job?"

* Ok, that's a tough one.  I have a lot of passions that I struggle to channel.  I would LOVE to start my own business helping people decorate their house with what they already have, then creating a plan for them for what they would like in the future so they can buy a few things each month.  That way, decorating their house isn't overwhelming.  Right now, this is the #1 thing I would like to do :)

5.) Amy from House of Allens asked, "Do you already have future baby names picked out"

* Oh gosh, DEFINITELY!!  Here is the funny thing.  MR.P came home from work one day with 2 different lists of names, one for girls and one for boys.  I cracked up :)  Our choice name for a girl is Madeline Lane PeeleWe'll call her Maddie Lane :)  I love double names.  Such a sucker for them!  Our boy name is Harper Jackson Peele.  We'll call him Harper.  But I am getting ahead of myself right now, so I'll stop now ;)

6.) Ashley from lil misses' mama asked, "what do you love most about coming from a larger family?"

* Well, coming from a family of 5 girls and 1 boy definitely has it's ups and downs.  But, I think my favorite part is that there is never a lack of people to spend time with!  I love my family and wouldn't trade it for the world! 

7.) Anna from Anna Hatcher Design asked, "My question for you is what do you think made your blog so successful?? I can think of many reasons but would love to hear yours!"

* Wow, thanks Anna!  There are blogs way more successful than mine, so this question might be better asked to one of them.  But I'll answer anyway.  I think the Lord has had a huge hand in it.  I definitely do my part by blogging and such, but he has brought a few really neat opportunities along, which I am really thankful for.  If you want more in depth answers we can email back and forth...or you can look at question #2's answers :)

8.) Mrs. Big Time asked, "What is one of the most romantic gestures your husband has ever made you?"

* I love MR.P a lot, but romantic gestures are not his strong suit.  He would tell you the same thing, so that's why I can blog about it ;)  I try to tell him that even the little things like a picnic on the floor, or flowers when I get home mean a lot to me.  He's just more practical, so the sweet things he does are more like making sure I get picked up from class in a car instead of having to walk in the rain ;)  Anyway, my favorite thing he ever did was just that.  I was in college and walked out of class and realized it was pooring rain and I didn't have my trusty umbrella.  I looked out and saw that MR.P (then he was just my boyfriend) was waiting for me in the car.  He realized I didn't have an umbrella and wanted to keep me from getting soaked.  I have never felt so loved and taken care of!  Ok, he does stuff like this all the time, so I have felt so loved :)  Like a few weeks ago. I had a TERRIBLE day at work.  I walked out of work feeling very blue and looked up and there was my hunk of a husband standing on the step rail of his truck waiting for me...with a diet vanilla coke.  I mean, what more can a girl ask for!  I fell into his arms and cried because I felt so loved.  FYI, it takes a lot to make me cry ;)

I loved answering all of these questions.  If I get more I will definitely answer them!


The Marden Family said...

I just love what you wrote about you guys starting a family and having a baby one day. I have seen several of our friends go through adoption and while it isn't easy, it is so so worth it. I know you are an inspiration to many and there is a little baby waiting out there for ya'll somewhere :)

Alyssa said...

Beth- I love the last part of your post! Matt sounds amazing! Such a sweet guy- I tell Ben all the time it's the little things!!

Kylie said...

your honesty and openness is admirable. :) Sweet post from a sweet girl.

Dawn said...

Even though I don't "know" you I do think about you often whenever we are working on some of our stuff and I just wanted to let you know I am always sending good vibes your way. I don't want to get too intrusive but a friend of mine has a strong faith like you and she had been struggling with trying to conceive for a while. After trying for over 1 1/2 years she maintained her strong faith and positivity and always said when they were ready they would get pregnant she just announced they are expecting. However you come about it, it will happen and that child will be lucky to have you guys as parents :) But if you find that money tree for adoption can you share a branch with me??? ;)

Scientific Housewife said...

Great questions and answers!

Emily Settle said...

Hey girl! Just stopping by! Love your blog.. have I told you that before? And your answer to question #3 was so encouraging. Think about you and pray for you often! Maybe we'll be down your way soon? Hope so!

Katie said...

Hey Beth!!! It was neat getting to read more about you and I love the honesty in your responses. I think more people should write like that... you are very talented!