Monday, June 4, 2012

How to make a slipcover - part 1

Ok, I can't tell you how excited I am that I get to share this project with you.  Everyone has that ugly chair that they just can't get rid of because they know it has great potential.  Enter our chair.

This chair was free people.  Free, so I couldn't pass it up.  MR.P's sister's roommate didn't want it.  She will once she see's the after!  It's been hidden in our bonus room for about 2 years.  We brought it down to Smith's playroom because it was a perfect reading chair.  After a few months I chose our fabric.  I brought my mom into the project and bam,  then we got started.  

Here's what you need:
* A little more than basic sewing knowledge.   If you don't have that then ask a friend and pay them in yummy snacks or diet coke in my case :)  My mom and I share a love of diet coke, so I made sure I was well stocked.
* Sewing machine
* Needle and thread
* A queen size bed sheet
* Sewing/fabric scissors

We started out by fitting the sheet to each section of the chair to get our template.  We didn't want to cut our nice fabric just in case we messed up.

Here are the sections we chose:
* back
* arms (3 pieces each - front, bottom, and full arm)
* bottom
* pillows

Then we labeled each piece so we knew how to put it back together.

Once we cut out each piece we started pinning everything together.  This was to make sure every piece was the perfect size.

My mom helping me out :)

(We used paper for the front of the the arms to get it perfect. We felt this would give the chair an upholstered look instead of looking like a slipcover)

Make sure you pin everything together inside-out:)

And here's where I'll leave you until next time!

1 comment:

Kim@Chattafabulous said...

I have a sofa that I want to slipcover but I can't sew at all. Wish I had learned - and excited to see the finished project!